
LM-94 Translation (and LM-37 students who choose this option)


Language classes for the degrees LM-37 and LM-94 are focused on "Translation: Italian into English", i.e. translation activities of texts dealing with current issues and topics relevant to students' studies.

It is a practical one year course aimed at consolidating and extending skills required for translation into a second language (dictionary use, sentence transposition, identification of lexical fields, use of Internet for research), with the object of rendering students competent in producing an accurate text in correct English in a possible professional situation (e.g. press release, cultural events presentation/promotion, company/product presentation, scientific articles, academic paper, e-mails and formal letters etc.).

Translation exercises will be carried out in class and at home.

Students should attend regularly and complete translation assignments during the course.

Materials:  Course and final exam will be based on a "dispensa" of texts and exercises which is available online (Dr Spencer) and/or on Moodle (Mr Owen) 

Non-attenders  should study relevant sections (Italian into English) of Language to Language by Christopher Taylor (CUP) and regularly contact the coordinator for tuition. 

Online and in-person ricevimento by appointment: Chris Owen – Tuesdays 17.00 - 19.00