Semester II lessons
Lettorato lessons start the week of 10 February. There have been a few changes (mainly rooms) to some timetables so check yours before you come to lessons.
Students who wish to join one of the new classes available this semester should go to the timetable page for the relevant year (see drop-down menus above), use the "enrol" link next to the class info and fill out the form (NB only from your @edu.unito account)
Nuove Matricole 2024-25
Procedure per l'accesso al primo anno del Lettorato di Lingua Inglese AA 2024-25
1st , 2nd , 3rd Year triennale exams - Holding over a mark
Since each of these exams comprise two parts, students may now keep a pass mark from the first part when they fail the overall exam. Both parts must be taken together in the same initial session before the decision to keep the part 1 result is made.
A pass mark of 12/20 for 1st year Use of English/ Grammar and 9/15 for 2nd Year can be held over for the two subsequent sessions - students will only be required to sit the 1st Year Dictation or 2nd Year oral.
Similarly, a mark of 9/15 or higher for either 3rd Year Translation or 3rd Year Listening and Summary will be considered valid for the two subsequent sessions. Both parts must be taken together in the same initial session.
Students must request their mark to be held over. When the final results are posted on there will be a link to a form where students can opt to keep their Part 1 result valid for the next two exam sessions.Â
Students will have 3 days in which to communicate their decision via this form - do not email teachers.
Students who wish to "refuse" a final pass mark can do so in the usual way by emailing the co-ordinator for each year within 3 days of the results being posted.